Sunday, September 4, 2011

coopa american cup

this is the must imprtant cup in south america.south american team is verry important and strong teams all over the  world.the can change the whole gae in a secondaly .the champion of this copa cup is urugbe .the must important and strong team are Brazil and arjentina in this cup.But they could not go in final and they miss the this cup again.kaka also could not do well for his team and country also.Messi ,tevez also could not do well for team and country.Fralan and his friend do verry well. they play very good and beautyfull football.Messi always play very beautyfull game for club but he could not do well for his country.i dont know any thing .the game was organess bye arjentina.Arjentina brazil could not any thing in this game .they did not play also in world cup.peoples said that ,Arjentina and brazil not a tiger now days.they may be afried agnist japan korea and another team.

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